Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kansas, My Love

Kansas Day was a couple days ago, which is a very important day to me.  It is a day when I can remember how much growing up in Kansas has given to me.  I learned how to find beauty in things that many people see past, and it gave me the patience of being mindful on a quiet day.  I wasn't able to spend Kansas' birthday in Lincoln, but I was able to go back home a week before for my art opening at the Lincoln Art Center.  I was really happy to be able to go out into the pasture with my mom, who wanted me to take pictures of a couple old house foundations.  

The houses had been built in a valley,  which must have caused a lot of grief for the dwellers, since wet Kansas springs cause a lot of water to rush down into the valleys and saturate the ground to the point of flooding.  It was very humbling to go out and see the remains of the houses surrounded by nothing but the vast Kansas prairie under an enormous teacup sky.  I decided to try out a couple different panoramic shots, and here are a couple photos I was able to put together...

And, like all trips back home, I inevitably have to leave.  I feel pretty bad for Brian when he comes to Lincoln with me, because the four-hour drive back mostly consists of me crying.  But we returned to a beautiful Kansas City evening - very springlike, with daunting clouds and a moist breeze.  I decided it was the perfect time to take pictures of a tree outside of our apartment, which has grown right into my heart.

Going back home always refreshes and revitalizes me.  I am lucky to have come from such a beautiful place, and I am ready to hit up Kansas City through a fresh lens.

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