Sunday, April 28, 2013

Picking up the camera for me, again

It's been an unusually stressful and busy couple of weeks, and my photography has not been anywhere near the top of my to-do list.  I have been asked to take some photos at the jobsite for work, but as appreciated these photos can be at work, I can't share them with the rest of the world, due to sensitivity issues with building a power plant, or whatever...  But I made a point this weekend to break my camera out, no matter how little, to get some shots of my days off.  I grabbed this shot on Saturday:

I took the rest of these photos this afternoon.  I had to spend a good chunk of the day devoted to juicing, which I've learned to do all at once, one day every couple of weeks, in order to have a jar of fruit-and-vegetable juice every day at work.  It's a pain in the ass, but it's a great way to get fruits and vegetables into the system.  My brother got me tuned into juicing, and after watching "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", I got completely hooked.  I am able to get twelve jars of juice and freeze them - allowing me to enjoy the benefits of more fruits and veggies in my diet for a couple of weeks - all in one afternoon.  Totally worth it - and a great feast for the eye, too!  

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oh Calgary, My Calgary

It's been a stupidly busy week at work, and I haven't had time to take pictures of any facial parts - just time to think about them.  It's a bit frustrating, but because of this I was able to take some time here and there to take my camera around the city.  It's not something I've done in awhile, and I remembered how much I want to improve my city eye.

Although it's been awhile since I've actually taken pictures around Calgary, I think just living here for nine months has helped me improve what I see.  I definitely know the city a lot better, which is a welcoming feeling.  It's an interesting change, living in the heart of a city after spending most of my life on top of a hill in the middle of Kansas...