Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wedding Shots

Man, oh man!  I have really dropped the ball on this blogging thing lately!!  I've been pret-ty busy, but it's back to staying on top of things.  Here are a few of my favorite shots I took at a Colorado wedding (Cory and Bettina's) a few weeks ago:

It was a really beautiful wedding, and I'm so glad I got the chance to photograph it.  Woo!!  


  1. No pictures of me, I see. Nice pics of everyone else!

  2. LOVE the picture of them cutting the cake! SO GLAD that kid Paul isn't in any of these--he just keeps popping up all over the place.

  3. OMG! The cake cutting pic is amazing! And I love the one of the little girl grabbing for the flowers! GREAT pictures!
