Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Very Own Garden!

I've spent a lot of time during previous springs and summers watching and helping my mom grow her garden, and it's something I've always enjoyed being a part of.  One of my biggest dreams is to have people pay me for growing their food (and god willing, someday I will!).  Just underneath that dream, I often fantasize about having my very own garden, since you have to learn to crawl before you can walk.  And this year, on a whim at the farmer's market, I decided to buy a couple of tomato plants and a basil plant.  

Brian and I took a good part of Saturday figuring out how to go about raising our garden in our apartment, and we settled on planting the two tomato plants into 5-gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottom for proper drainage.  We keep them in our studio at night, and lug them out to our back fire escape (which gets a lot more sun than our balcony) during the day.  I'm a little nervous about somebody stealing our babies, but I guess there are more valuable ideas on a thief's mind in 2012. 

We've had a lot of fun tending to our Very First Garden, and spend a lot of time just looking at the plants.  I, of course, can't help but look at them through my camera lens.

Spring is definitely, finally here, and it feels so good!  We got a full week's worth of rain last week, which made for some beautiful post-rain moments, and was also a great gateway to a greener world.  I hope you're all taking the time to enjoy this season, because soon it will be too hot to handle!!


  1. Really like that second one down in the "looking through the lens" set. The dark tomato plant with the strong stalk on the left with lots of hair illuminated and the leafy stem moving off to the right side of the photo. Very nice Hally.

  2. I love the fourth one down. And some others that I am too lazy to count. BUT I LOVE THEM.
